Cemetery rules are designed for the benefit and guidance of lot owners. We ask that you lend your assistance in preserving the neatness and careful keeping of the grounds, remembering that whatever is beneficial to the appearance of the grounds is of interest to you as a lot owner. Summer Months: Cut flowers may be placed on graves from April 1 to November 15. No glass or breakable containers will be allowed. For your safety and that of cemetery personnel, it is requested that metal cans or wire hooks or spikes not be used. Potted blooming plants may be placed on top of the ground, but not into it. The management reserves the right to remove any planting deemed overgrown or unsightly. Planting of shrubs, trees or annual flowers without cemetery approval is prohibited. The management reserves the right to remove any planting deemed overgrown or unsightly. Statuary and other permanent grave adornments are to be limited to those that are part of a permanent above ground memorial. Holiday Decorations: Decorations for Memorial Day, Easter, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day will not be disturbed for a week following the holiday. Winter Months: Wreaths are permitted from November 1 to April 1. Evergreen or other decorations may be removed whenever, in the judgment of the cemetery management, they become unsightly. Other Important Rules: No fence or enclosure of any kind shall be erected on any lot or grave. Picking flowers or breaking shrubs or trees within the cemetery is forbidden. It is forbidden to write upon, cut, bruise, discolor or otherwise deface any stone, monument or other structure within the cemetery. Grave Decorations are placed at your own risk. The cemetery also will not be liable for any flower or decoration removed or lost by any cause.
Effective March 31, 2016 For Your Safety and the Safety of Cemetery Personnel Shepherd’s Hooks will no longer be permitted in Beech Grove Cemetery Any decorations not conforming to this policy are subject to being removed at any time. Cemetery rules are designed for the benefit and guidance of lot owners. Certain grave decorations present a safety hazard to our grounds workers and visitors. We ask that you lend your assistance in preserving the neatness and careful keeping of the grounds, remembering that whatever is beneficial to the appearance of the grounds is of interest to you as a lot owner.