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Beech Grove Cemetery

Beech Grove is a full-service cemetery located in Muncie, Indiana offering land burial and cremation burials. Over 42,000 people have chosen Beech Grove as their final resting place since 1841.

Beech Grove Cemetery is located at
1400 W Kilgore Ave Muncie, IN 47305
Office: 8am – 4pm
Gates October – April: 8am – 6pm
Gates May – September: 8am – 8pm

Phone: (765) 741-1352   
Fax: (765) 747-4793

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Beech Grove Cemetery Comes to Life is an exploration of the cemetery’s history and evolution, but also the lives of those buried there. Pioneers, politicians, soldiers, the rich and poor, doctors, shopkeepers, industry titans, suffragettes, and former slaves—44,000 unique individuals lay at rest in Beech Grove Cemetery. Those buried there represent the movers and shakers of Muncie, the men and women who shaped the city from an agricultural backwater, to a regional manufacturing capital of the industrial revolution, and have helped guide it after industry left. – 8½”x11″ coffee-table-style book – Up to 176 glossy, acid-free pages – Hundreds of photos – Full-color dust jacket Cemeteries are depositories of our ancestors—the men and women, over 44,000 in Beech Grove Cemetery alone, who shaped the evolution of our current times. While the intricacies of the lives of those interred are not readily available in each headstone, their burial markers do provide a crucial memorial designating the mortal remnants of the generations that precede us, while offering a reminder of the ultimate fate awaiting each and every one of us. Beech Grove Cemetery is a valuable resource for genealogists, historians, students of architecture and landscape design, photographers, and the general public. It is our hope that the information contained within this book will instill a deep interest and respect for the 44,000 buried within the walls of Beech Grove Cemetery.

A Long History

Chartered in 1841 with one and one half acres on the banks of the White River, Beech Grove has grown to encompass over 100 acres, this makes it one of the largest cemeteries in the state of Indiana. By the turn of the century landscape expert, O.W. Crabbs had been recruited to plan and maintain the landscape – which resulted in making Beech Grove one of the finest examples of landscape architecture in the state. Beech Grove remains committed to that ideal. Hence, the cemetery is a place of beauty and tranquility for the living as well as for those who have gone before. To help you enjoy the beauty of Beech Grove, we have a self guided walking tour as well as guided tours by appointment. Staff members are available to organizations for programs about the cemetery.

Historic Muncie: Beech Grove Cemetery

Beech Grove Cemetery is the final resting place for many of Muncie’s founding families, gas boom barons and veterans of every war from the Revolutionary War to the Vietnam War.

News & Events

Veterans Day Ceremony on November 11, 2024

VETERANS DAY CEREMONYNOVEMBER 11, 2024AMERICAN LEGION SECTION 10:45 A.M.  Prelude music begins11:00 A.M. Service begins National AnthemPresented by Kalyn Melham, Miss Indiana 2024 WelcomeTroy Watters, Superintendent of…

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